Sunday, May 26, 2013

Freedom of Choice

Hello, everyone. First of all, some housekeeping. Apologies for not updating for the past few weeks. RL takes priority, and I had many RL things to deal with. Thankfully, those things have all been sorted out, which means that I can now return to the blogosphere to share random things with you lot. Now, onto today's post.

It goes without saying that on Second Life, you have freedom of choice. You create an avatar that can look however you want it to. Wanna look like an animal of some sort? You can do that. Wanna make an avatar that is a virtual clone of your real self? That's doable as well. Wanna be a vehicle? As we say in my native Canada, "Why not, eh?"

My avatar was one of several pre-made avatars that was available at the outset. I picked it because of her cute, girl-next-door looks, her flaming red hair, and her baby blue eyes. Over the past year, I've made many changes to my avatar, but several elements remain intact, most notably the hair - different style, but same colour - and the eyes - no changes since day one. 

There are literally over 9,000 SL fashion blogs out there, run by some of the best fashionistas in the virtual world. Some of them are truly worth the visit, as you can get some good ideas for new looks from them. I know I've gotten some inspiration from at least one blog for some of my recent looks, especially the one displayed in this photo.

One of the best things about SL, in my opinion, is that you can use your avatar to play a big game of opposites. For example, I'm a pretty conservative dresser in RL, but on SL, I wear clothes that I would probably never wear in RL. In SL, I can get away with wearing my panties pulled down, like in the photo above, and people think it's a cute or sexy look. But in RL, doing so would most likely be unacceptable.

Norms, both social and otherwise, are different from those in RL. This is more noticeable in some places than others. You'll probably notice this as you hope from one sim or nightclub to another, something I've done a lot. But it all works out nicely. 

In the virtual world, we can be whoever we want, whenever we want, and dress in the way that we please. We can be daring, or we can play it safe. It's quite wonderful, if you think about it, and it's what makes the virtual world such a fun and exciting place.

Well, that's all for now. I'll be back soon with another post. Until then, lots of love, and have a great week.



What I'm wearing

Hair: ^;^CaTwA^;^ Lamar V3 Hair/Pumpkin Glasses: SimpleBlackEyeglasses S Earrings: {Hatpins} Star of David Earrings
Top: Off Shoulder (N)adine (Custom made for me by my niece, Diana)
Shoes: *LP* Dory Bow Heels
Panties: MUSCHI Panties Down Black
Shape: >>Zyra<< Brisa Shape
Skin: (Le) brow1, freckles, pride
Eyes: Eyes (Baby Blue) (Came with my original avatar; never changing them)

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