Saturday, May 4, 2013

Happy Rez Day to Me!

I know it's a week late, but last week, I celebrated a milestone event - my first Rez Day as a SL Resident. The funny part about that was I totally forgot about it. I found out when the folks at Linden Labs sent me an e-mail with a link to get a free commemorative birthday cake. Thanks, guys :)!

It's been one heck of a year for me. So much has changed, both in RL and SL. I'm part of a wonderful family founded on the basis of love and respect, and we're always there for each other, no matter what. I talked about that in my last post.

You know, you never forget those who inspire you, both in RL and on SL. Although I love all the members of my large SL family immensely, two of them have had such a positive impact on me that I felt I'd go into a bit more detail about them.

As I said in my last post, my sister, Cinthia, and I were the first two people to join the Revestel family. We met at a dance club almost a year ago, and our relationship has blossomed since then. We feed well off of each other, and we've had many adventures together.

Cin is also one of my biggest motivators. Renowned for her positive attitude, her words have gotten me through many tough situations in RL. She always knows the right thing to say, and she's also helped me grow as a person.

My sister's words are a constant source of inspiration and empowerment for me; so much so that I actually copy-pasted them into a Word document, printed it out, placed it in an envelope, and put it in a safe place on my desk at work. Whenever I'm feeling discouraged, I take out the envelope, read what's inside, and I feel better almost instantly.

Cinnie, if you're reading this - and it's my belief that you likely will at some point - thanks for making my first year on SL a memorable one. I have become a better person because of the things you've told me. I love you with all my heart, and will always be Your Nadie. NNLY.

Mom / Tylar

The Revestel family matriarch is J. Tylar Revestel, a strong-willed, confident woman who would do anything for her daughters. And that description sums her up perfectly. If any of us need anything at any time, Mom is always there to help us out. She's been through a lot in life, and you can read about that on her blog. There are some amazing stories there, so it's definitely worth checking out.

Like Cinnie, Mom is another of my biggest motivators in life. When the going gets tough, Mom gets going with her sage advice. She's saved me many times with her words, a trend that I hope will continue. 

And to think, I was originally hesitant in my decision to join the Revestel family. I wasn't sure what to make of the offer I was presented with at first, but Mom and Cin helped make the transition a smooth one for me.

Mom, from the bottom of my heart, I'd like to thank for you all that you have done for me over the past several months. Joining the family was probably the best decision I've ever made as a SL Resident, and you and your wise words have make me feel great about that decision day after day. I love you with all my heart, and perhaps one day, I will be able to motivate you in some way. You'll probably say that I don't owe you anything, but I believe that one good turn deserves another.

I am willing to guarantee that at least two pair of eyes will be moist after having read through this post, but it will be for a good reason. It will also be proof of the love, passion, and respect that I have been the recipient of during my first year on SL. Here's hope that the good time will continue, and if my family has anything to say about it, they will.

Until next time,



What I'm wearing

I designed a special Rez Day outfit for myself, and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. Here are the details.

Hair: ^;^CaTwA^;^ Lamar V3 Hair/Pumpkin Glasses: SimpleBlackEyeglasses S Earrings: {Hatpins} Star of David Earrings
Dress: KIMI Minidress Blue M
Shoes: *LP* Dory Bow Heels
Panties: MUSCHI Panties Down White - Found out about these from Liliandra Baxter's SL blog, My Fashionista Heart. They're the perfect combination of cute, sexy, and fun ;). 
Shape: >>Zyra<< Brisa Shape - Recently replaced my old default shape with this one, and I love it. Thanks to Cinnie for the recommendation ;).

By the way, speaking of My Fashionista Heart, Lili really lives up the that title, and I've gotten a few ideas from her blog. If you're looking for some good fashion tips, or would like to read some great stories, you should definitely check her blog out :).

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