Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dance, Redhead, Dance

*fade in from black*

...And we're back. Or, rather, I'm back.

I haven't updated this blog in what seems like ages. The main reason for that is because RL took priority. There have been some changes to my RL that have made it difficult for me to post regularly or even semi-regularly on my blog. But, now that these issues are seemingly under control, I am able to resume posting again.

Despite not having updated my blog in quite some time, I have still been somewhat active on SL. I've been spending time and bonding with my SL family, discovering new and exciting things, and also updating my wardrobe. 

I'm so happy to be back in the blogosphere again that I decided to kick up my heels and dance, as you'll see in the picture above.That's what my SL family and I do when we want to have fun and enjoy each other's company. We put on our best dancing clothes, hit up one of our favourite clubs, and dance the night away. It's always fun, and we always have a great time whenever we do it. I'm sure some of you might have a favourite hot spot that you and your friends and families like to visit on a regular basis. With so many different clubs out there, each catering to specific tastes, there's something for everyone out in the SL universe.

And now, to some blog-related business. My new goal for this blog is to take the concept of the SL Resident blog and turn it on its ear. I've noticed that most SL blogs are about fashion, which is cool. I've actually gotten some great wardrobe ideas from some of them. But this blog will be about more than that. I'll be posting my thoughts on various issues, some relating to SL, and some not. Also, if everything works out, I'll be doing some interviews with some interesting folks, including at least one celebrity blogger. So be sure to stick around for that.

Well, I guess that about does it for now. I'll leave you with the credits for the outfit I'm wearing in these pictures. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more exciting content. You'll be glad that you did ;).

-Nadie ♥.


What I'm wearing

Blouse: Vintage Blouse in Blue/Red, by NYU
Skirt: Star Denim Mini in White, by >Something Sexy<
Panties: Panties Down in Red, by MUSCHI Mesh
Shoes: Dory Bowed Heels, by *LP* Clothing

Glasses: Simple Black Eyeglasses, by DHARMAYA
Earrings: Star of David Earrings, by {Hatpins} (Shop has since closed)

Hair: Yara V1 Roots/Pumpkin, by ^;^CaTwA^;^
Shape: Brisa, by Zyra
Skin:  Brow 1 Freckles Pride, by Eloh Eliot

Photo taken on location at Penelope's Wyld Side Club.

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