Sunday, January 19, 2014

Celebrity Interview #1: Tylar Revestel

Hello again, everyone. Did you miss me? I'm sorry for the extended absence. I was away for a while, and I was quite busy. I'm glad I finally managed to find some time to post again, and you'll be glad that I did.

My first post of 2014 allows me to keep a promise I made last last year, and that was to do a Q&A-style interview with some of the interesting people I've had the pleasure of knowing on SL.
The first of these celebrity interviews will be with someone very near and dear to my heart - my mom, Tylar Revestel. 

In 2012, Tylar adopted myself and my then-BFF Cinthia as her first two children. Since then, many more adoptees have joined the ranks of our family. In this exclusive interview, Tylar dishes on what it's like to care for such a large family, and provides some tips on how you can get the most out of your SL experience.

Nadine Revestel-Nadler: How did you get started on Second Life?
Tylar Revestel: Well, I originally played a different game similar to SL called Utherverse. I was a member of a family there, although I didn't have any children there, I spent a lot of time devoted to it because in RL I was sick; the virtual world was my escape. The only problem was the family I was a part of was full of drama and strife and conflict. My health was suffering because of it, so my very best friends, brought me over to Second Life, put me on a beach, made a few little lazy nap spots and let me escape from all the drama in Utherverse. It wasn't long before I decided to stay.

NRN: Who or what influenced you to join?
TR: My two best friends, Rain and Outkast, influenced me to join. SL is much more graphic-rich than Utherverse was and the sheer volume of things to do and see as well as the privacy and downtime. It didn't take them very much to convince me to make my new home here.

NRN: How has being a Resident impacted you in real life? 
TR: Well, for starters, my family is a whole lot bigger.  I truly do consider most of my family in SL a part of my RL family, and there's not anything I wouldn't do for them. The handful of people that I've met here that I can truly call my friends are amazing to me. I'm not sure how I ever got along without them before. Although their main identity is pixel form, over the years we've been closer than most RL people do, and I've had the pleasure of meeting a few of them in RL as well.

NRN: What has been the most significant moment of your SL career thus far?
TR: Most assuredly, becoming a mother here. I never thought I'd do it again in a virtual world because of previous experiences. But being here in SL with the amazing people I call family has changed me both in SL and RL for the better. I'm a better RL mom, a better RL woman and a better RL partner to my better half because of my experiences here.

NRN: How did you become a member of the Revestel-Paine family? 
TR: After my divorce from my first husband, Tharron - I had met through him Rico and Cleo Revestel - they adopted me as their daughter. Everything just kind of exploded from their.  After some long thought and discussions with my mother Cleo, I adopted Cin, and the rest, as they say, is history.

NRN: What is the most important thing you've learned on SL? 
TR: Tolerance, and that you don't always get what you give. But as long as you're happy with what you've given it doesn't matter if you "get" back. At the end of the day, you are the one that has to close your eyes and know in your heart, and that the decisions you made were ones that were true to yourself.

NRN: What's it like being the mother of so many children? 
TR: Wonderful. It's full of love, and it's the most touching experience I could ever ask for.

NRN: Where do some Residents get it wrong? 

TR: Expectations. People come to this world with expectations of others that simply can't be met. They also come with no clear definition between RL and SL, and you have to be able to see that line between the two and learn when it's okay to cross and when it's not.NRN: If L$1 million were to magically appear, what would you do with it? 
TR: Shop, and then spoil my kids!

NRN: What advice would you offer to new Residents? 
TR: Be patient, don't believe everything you hear and take your time. Get to know the people you're friends with so you can find out if they're really friends or not.  But most of all, have fun. This is the escape from RL; let it stay that way.

This and That

Favourite colour: Usually blue or green or when it suits me, pink.

Favourite number:

Favourite food: Coffee. Yes, I know technically it's not a food, but it's the one thing I can't live without, outside of my better half and my children.

Favourite movie or TV show:
Criminal Minds and any Fluffy special.

Favourite song: Oh, there's no favorite, LOL. It depends entirely on my mood. I love all kinds of music.

Favourite quote:  There's way too many of those too, LOL.

Biggest pet peeve: 
Intolerance and impatience.


What we're wearing

Mom and I decided to wear matching outfits for our photo together. We thought it would be a cute idea, and we hope you agree :).

Top (Both): Peace, by VTwins  
Skirt (Both): Mesh Vinyl Mini, by Happy Undead
Panties (Nadine): Naughty Pantie in Black, by Luck Inc.
Boots (Tylar): Radical Boots in Suede Coal, by Maiterya Mesh  
Boots (Nadine): Brooklyn Boots, by Secret Passion

Glasses (Nadine): Simple Black Eyeglasses, by DHARMAYA
Earrings (Nadine): Star of David Earrings, by {Hatpins} (Shop has since closed)

Hair (Nadine): Yara V1 Roots/Pumpkin, by ^;^CaTwA^;^
Hair (Tylar): Judith Blacks and White, by DeLa Mesh 
Eyes (Tylar): Eyes: JABU Eyes in Green, by DAMNED
Shape (Nadine): Brisa, by Zyra
Skin (Nadine): Brow 1 Freckles Pride, by Eloh Eliot (Shop has since closed)
Skin (Tylar): Jesse Deep Tan, by Belleza Skins 

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