Friday, January 24, 2014

Nadie the 90s Girl

Time for some more decade-appropriate fashion! Ready to wax nostalgic with me again? If so, read on!
Having been born in 1986, I grew up in the 90s. I remember all the fashion, fads, TV shows, movies, and so on. It's hard to believe that almost a quarter-century has passed since 1990, which makes your humble writer feel very old ;).

What are some of your favourite memories of the 90s? I have a whole bunch, as you might imagine. In fact, I'm going to turn this post into a two-parter just so that I can cram in as much nostalgia as I can :).

I was in elementary school during this time, when things like Pokemon, the Nintendo 64, and certain forms of fashion were all the rage. It was a simpler time, before the advent of smartphones, the Internet, mp3 players, and yes, even Second Life itself. 

The schoolyard was always a beehive of activity. The boys would either play various sports, Pokemon, or beat the crap out of each other, while the girls tied several skipping ropes together and chanted while trying not to fall flat on their faces. When they weren't doing that, they were styling each others' hair, or trading shirts and sweaters. 

I chose not to participate in the clothes swapping, as I never really understood the point of it. I was a total klutz at the time, so the skipping rope chanting games were out of the question too. So how did I spend my recess and lunch time at school? With a small group of my own friends doing creative things. We developed our own secret language, invented tools and other things out of random objects we found on the ground, and had some bizarre, experimental competitions. Many people thought we were weird, but we didn't care. We were having the time of our lives. It was cool.

My outfit for today reflects the fashion of the 90s. People at my school often copied the fashion they saw on TV, in ads, or even in music videos. One such example was inventive new ways to wear overalls. You no longer had to wear them with the bib up and both straps on. Instead, you could unhook the bib and wear it down in front of your legs, wear them with one strap hooked up, or just fold the bib down, as seen here with these awesome overalls from FxM.

Well, that's enough nostalgia for today. In Part 2, I'll discuss some of my favourite things from the 90s. Be sure to stay tuned for that :).

-Nadie ♥.


What I'm wearing

Top: Polo Shirt in Blue, by JZ Productions
Underwear: Hope Granny Pannies in Cherry, by Hell Bop Clothing
Overalls: Overalls II in Light Blue, by FxM
Shoes: Swift Women's Sneakers, Flower Edition, by *LP* Clothing

Glasses: Simple Black Eyeglasses, by DHARMAYA
Earrings: Star of David Earrings, by {Hatpins}

Hair: Yara V1 Roots/Pumpkin, by ^;^CaTwA^;^
Shape: Brisa, by Zyra
Skin:  Brow 1 Freckles Pride, by Eloh Eliot

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