Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Girl in the Underwear

Some people might tell me to pull up my pants, but how can I bring myself to do that when I'm rocking such awesome underwear ;)?

First of all, I'd like to offer my apologies for not posting in a while. Real life comes first, and that kept me away from the blogosphere. However, I managed to find some time to post something new, and I promise to make it a fun read for you :).

In the real and virtual worlds, people often have these little trademarks or motifs that help others identify them. These could include a certain hair colour, catch phrases, or even their fashion sense. When I arrived in Second Life in 2012, I quickly became known as the feisty ginger because, well, that's what I am ;).

But over the past year or so, I've also become known as "The Girl in the Underwear." If you know me in SL, or have seen me before, I'm usually either wearing my underwear, or wearing something that shows it, as you see in the above picture. While there are so many different styles of pants, skirts, shorts and dresses available on the Marketplace - and yes, I do own several of each, and I have worn them before - I kind of wanted to do my own thing.

Everyone else around me was wearing some kind of lower body covering, but I decided to be different and wear underwear instead. My love for bright, colourful underwear - especially men's briefs - carried over from RL to SL, and while I couldn't show off my taste in underwear in RL, I figured SL was fair game for doing so.

I'll admit that I was a bit nervous about going pantsless in SL at first. What would my family say? How would others react? Would I gain any unnecessary attention as a result of my decision? Turns out I was overthinking, as the reactions I received were the opposite of what I was expecting.

My mother, the great Tylar Rejan-Revestel, was very supportive, and actually thought it was cute. "It makes you unique," she told me. "While everyone else does one thing, you march to the beat of a different drummer, and that's what makes you special." Naturally, that calmed me down and made me feel good. I got similar reactions from various friends and relatives as well. They seemed to like it.

Of course, there are some instances where I actually have to put pants or reasonable facsimile on, such as when I visit an unfamiliar night club with family or friends, but I'm always prepared for those occasions. But at clubs I attend semi-regularly, like Penelope's Wyld Side and Smash, the pants are off and the briefs are out. In fact, the staff at Wyld Side are surprised when I don't show up in my underwear. My pantslessness has become the stuff of legends over there ;).

Today's outfit reflects my love for colourful underwear, and colour in general. It might also show that I grew up during the '90s. The polo shirts from JZ Productions are an old standby, as are my usual :happpyface: briefs. I swear, I should become their official spokeswoman ;). The very '90s-inspired baggy jeans come from BALKANIK2.0, and are optimized for showing off cute underwear. They come with a boxers option, but you can easily switch that off if you prefer wearing your own undies like me :).

I began my SL adventure as The Girl with the Flaming Red Hair. While that still definitely holds true, I have since earned the title of The Girl in the Underwear. And I'm quite proud of that :).

As a bonus, here are some more pictures of the above outfit in some different colour combinations. For some reason, I think that the green briefs look really nice with the pink polo shirt. Plus, the jeans complement the blue polo and briefs rather nicely.

Till next time,

-Nadie ♥.


What I'm wearing

Top: Polo Shirt, by JZ Productions (Available in a fatpack with blue, white, honey and pink)
Solid Briefs in Purple, by :happyface: (Available as separates or in a fatpack)

Pants: 2Low Baggy, by BAKALNIK2.0
Socks: White Socks, by Unknown Designer
Shoes: Swift Women's Sneakers, Flower Edition, by *LP* Clothing

Glasses: Simple Black Eyeglasses, by DHARMAYA
Earrings: Star of David Earrings, by {Hatpins}

Hair: Yara V1 Roots/Pumpkin, by ^;^CaTwA^;^
Shape: Linda, by KBC
Skin: Brow 1 Freckles Pride, by Eloh Eliot

Photos taken on location at Penelope's Wyld Side

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