Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Farewell, 2014

Hey, friendly friends. Just thought I'd use this opportunity to get a bit dolled up and wrap up 2014 with a year-in-review post.

When people are asked how 2014 was for them, the answer is always different. Some say it was a prosperous year for them, while others will say that the faced many challenges.

My answer would be a bit of both. I experienced my share of highs and lows throughout 2014, and I think this combination helped me become a stronger person.

My year got off to a rocky start, as my old RL job cut my hours. A few months later, they were increased, only to be re-cut again shortly afterwards. It got to the point where I would dread coming into the office every day, as I always had the feeling that the axe was going to fall at some point.

The axe eventually fell in April, and I was laid off. My exit was both unceremonious and awkward. In a way, it was difficult, because my source of income was now gone. But I also felt vindicated, finally free from a job that started off well, but soured after spending nearly two years there.

I spent the next few months looking for work, going to interviews, and getting assistance from a helpful career counselor. Finally, in August, my luck changed, and I began a new job. Unlike my old job where I dreaded coming to work every day, my new job is the exact opposite. I work with a great team who are helpful, supportive, and make me feel comfortable. It's almost as if I'm part of a new family.

Speaking of family, I lost two RL family members this year. My grandmother on my dad's side passed away in April, while my great uncle (her older brother) passed away today. I miss them both, but I know they're watching over me from above.

To say that this year was challenging would be an understatement. But I never gave up hope. My SL and RL families helped me through the hard times, and they believed that I would come out on top in the end. It took a while, but things eventually did get better for me, and naturally, I'm quite pleased with how they turned out.

I don't know what the year ahead holds for me or anyone else; I'm not in the business of predictions. But I will say this: Whatever happens, I hope that 2015 turns out great for everyone. Here's hoping that the new year brings lots of success, happiness and health. Be good to your families, and try to add some positivity to the real and virtual worlds by doing good deeds. While I'm not a believer in the concept of karma, I do believe that what goes around comes around.

Wishing you all the best for a prosperous 2015,
-Nadie ♥.


What I'm wearing

Dress: Belted Dress, by M&M
Stockings: Over the Knee Tights in Black, by *125* *La Mode de L'écolière*
Panties: Naughty Pantie in Baby Blue, by Luck Inc.
Shoes: Dory Bow Heels, by *LP* Clothing

Glasses: Simple Black Eyeglasses, by DHARMAYA
Earrings: Star of David Earrings, by {Hatpins} 

Hair: Yara V1 Roots/Pumpkin, by ^;^CaTwA^;^
Shape: Linda, by KBC
Skin: Brow 1 Freckles Pride, by Eloh Eliot

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