Sunday, December 7, 2014

Just a brief post...

Hello, everyone! Just wanted to prove to you that I'm still alive with a short update post. And in true Nadie fashion, yes, that headline is a pun ;).

There's a "trend," so to speak, with SL blogs in which the writer often goes several months without posting something new. Readers then believe that something has happened to this individual, as it seems that they've gone AWOL.

Well, my friends, something indeed has happened. In fact, it's more like an amalgamation of things. They can all be summed up with two letters: R and L.

Yes, my real life has been quite busy lately. I've been working hard at my job, and have even gotten somewhat of a promotion (yay!) But despite that, I continue to make sporadic appearances in the virtual world to keep up appearance with friends and family (hello Mom, Cin and Katie, if you're reading this).

Meanwhile, back in SL-land, I've been on a bit of a purple kick lately. I'm not sure why, given that my favourite colour is blue. Nevertheless, purple seems to be a good colour to wear now, and that's the basis for this outfit.

Now, I'm sure you're wondering, "Wait a second. This is not an outfit. You're not wearing any pants!" Well, I can't deny that. Lately, I've been wandering around SL in my underwear. I just find it to be liberating and comfortable. I haven't given up on pants, mind you. I just prefer underwear. Plus, no one really seems to mind, since  we can basically do or wear whatever we want in the virtual world.

As I've said in previous posts, these colourful briefs from :happyface: are among my favourite things to wear. The way they're designed, I don't feel like I'm wearing underwear when I have them on. Rather, I feel like I'm wearing short shorts instead. My family has become used to having an underwear-clad Nadie in their presence, and they don't mind it at all.

Another thing I've done is update my shape. Looking back at some of my older posts, I realized that my shape was too tall and rigid, and it made me look like some sort of bizarre giant. Thus, I set out to find a shape that was more realistic and proportional, and this shape from did the trick. It was on sale, too :D!

The retro-inspired top I've got on comes from , and is among one of the loudest tops I own. But as my mom told me, "It's perfect for you. It's bold and it stands out, which is perfectly in line with your personality." Leave it to our parents to always say the right things ;).

Just one more thing before I sign off. I was told that I wasn't smiling enough in the pictures that I've posted to this blog in the past. So in response to that, I'm smiling in this picture :).

Well, that about does it for this post, which wasn't brief at all, now that I think about it. I hope you have a great day, and I'll hopefully be back soon with more :)

-Nadie ♥.


What I'm wearing

Top: Flower Power Tee, by Paris Fantasies (formerly Every*Things)
Briefs: Solid Briefs in Purple, by :happyface: (Available as separates or in a fatpack)
Socks: White Socks, by Unknown Designer
Shoes: Swift Women's Sneakers, Flower Edition, by *LP* Clothing

Glasses: Simple Black Eyeglasses, by DHARMAYA
Earrings: Star of David Earrings, by {Hatpins}

Hair: Yara V1 Roots/Pumpkin, by ^;^CaTwA^;^
Shape: Linda, by KBC
Skin: Brow 1 Freckles Pride, by Eloh Eliot

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