Saturday, December 14, 2013

Birthday Outfit Special

It's two great looks for the price of one :D! Read on to learn more.

On December 11, 2013, I celebrated 27 years of existence. That's right, folks, it was my birthday ;). And as much as I would've loved to have posted on that day, I was literally out partying with some of my RL friends. So to make up for it, here are two fun birthday-themed looks.

Look # 1 - Birthday Formal
I'm sure that all of us who belong to the fairer sex agree that we have that one or more dresses set aside for special occasions in both SL and RL. Whether it's for weddings, a date night with your lover, or some other kind of formal engagement, you always want to look your best. 

Everyone knows about the proverbial little black dress. Well, to quote Adam Savage from Mythbusters - yes, I'm somewhat of a nerd ;) - "I reject your reality and substitute my own." Thus, I've decided to go with a little blue dress instead because blue is one of my favourite colours. And as luck would have it, the folks at Alterego had just what I was looking for :).

Look #2 - Keeping it Casual
Once the birthday formalities are over, you want to keep the party going by going somewhere great with your friends. But since it's just you and your pals, you want to go for a more casual look, and so do they. 

Keeping with the blue theme, this look is the perfect marriage of casual and sexy. As I mentioned in a previous post, I love these jeans from COCO Designs because they're perfect for a casual and fun night out. The jacket and shirt combo from Rumble House complements the jeans perfectly, and the blue leopard print thong from Insanya adds a small hint of sexiness ;).

Year 26 was a great year for me, full of lots of wonderful things, and lots of awesome people to share or experience them with. Let's hope that Year 27 is the same, if not better. Thanks for reading, and I'll be back soon with more goodies for you :).

-Nadie ♥.


What I'm wearing - Look #1

Dress: Tallah Dress, by Alterego
Shoes: Dory Bowed Heels, by *LP* Clothing

Glasses: Simple Black Eyeglasses, by DHARMAYA
Earrings: Star of David Earrings, by {Hatpins} (Shop has since closed)

Hair: Yara V1 Roots/Pumpkin, by ^;^CaTwA^;^
Shape: Brisa, by Zyra
Skin:  Brow 1 Freckles Pride, by Eloh Eliot

What I'm wearing - Look #2

Top: Pixie Dreams Jacket/Shirt Combo, by Rumble House Designs
Jeans: Loose Style Denim in Paris Blue, by COCO Designs
Thong: Leo Thong in Blue, by Insanya
Shoes: Dory Bowed Heels, by *LP* Clothing

Glasses: Simple Black Eyeglasses, by DHARMAYA
Earrings: Star of David Earrings, by {Hatpins} (Shop has since closed)

Hair: Yara V1 Roots/Pumpkin, by ^;^CaTwA^;^
Shape: Brisa, by Zyra
Skin:  Brow 1 Freckles Pride, by Eloh Eliot

Photos taken on location at [IREN].

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