Monday, December 30, 2013

See You in 2014

Hello everyone. I apologize for the lack of updates lately. I am - at the time of writing - on vacation, speding some quality time with my RL friends and family. But rest assured, I have not forgotten about my SL family, and I will return to semi-regular updates in the new year.

The new year brings many new opportunities, and my upcoming posts will reflect that. You'll see some more great outfits, some personal stories, and maybe a celebrity interview or two. Be sure to stay tuned for those updates, as I think you might enjoy them :).

I hope you've all have a wonderful holiday season filled with friends, family, fun, and maybe a few gifts along the way. I know I did ;). I'd like to take this opportunity to offer you my best wishes for a safe, happy and healthy new year. May your 2014 be full of success, prosperity, and most importantly, happiness :). 

-Nadie ♥.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Red Hot Cherry Bomb

Given my very noticeable hair colour, posts making reference to it should basically be a given ;).

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Child of the 80s

Do you remember the 80s? It was a time of great music and eclectic fashion. Today's outfit reflects that a bit.

Monday, June 24, 2013

What's to come

Wow, I'm officially the worst blogger ever.

Hi, everyone. Various RL commitments have kept me away from the blogosphere over the past few weeks, but rest assured, I'm still alive and well. I have some ambitious plans for this blog, and I'd like to take this opportunity to share them with you.

In addition to writing about random things, some upcoming posts will feature a special format. I work as a journalist in RL, so I thought I'd use my mad interviewing skillz to my advantage and interview some interesting folks from the world of SL. You'll get to learn about their experiences in the virtual world, their opinions on certain topics, and much more. So stay tuned for that, because it's going to be great.

Due to time constraints, I won't be posting a picture of myself in this post. That being said, you can definitely expect one in my next post. I got some new clothes recently, and I'd like to share some of the outfits I've created with you. Perhaps you'll get some ideas from these pictures. I got outfit ideas by reading the blogs of others, so hopefully you'll get some ideas from me. Inspiration can be found almost anywhere these days, it seems.

Anyway, that's all for now. In my next post, I'll discuss a joyous event that recently took place in the Revestel family. 

Thanks for stopping by, and I'll be back before you know it.


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Freedom of Choice

Hello, everyone. First of all, some housekeeping. Apologies for not updating for the past few weeks. RL takes priority, and I had many RL things to deal with. Thankfully, those things have all been sorted out, which means that I can now return to the blogosphere to share random things with you lot. Now, onto today's post.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Happy Rez Day to Me!

I know it's a week late, but last week, I celebrated a milestone event - my first Rez Day as a SL Resident. The funny part about that was I totally forgot about it. I found out when the folks at Linden Labs sent me an e-mail with a link to get a free commemorative birthday cake. Thanks, guys :)!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Second Life Journey

If there's one thing you see on the blog of just about every Second Life Resident, it's a post about their journey through the virtual social sphere, and how it led to where they are today. It seems like an almost obligatory thing to do, so today's post will be about that. Here goes...

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Hello, and welcome to my new blog. Here, I'll be posting about my experiences as a Resident in the wacky online world that is Second Life. You can expect to see posts about family, fashion, personal things, randomness, and much, much more.

As for the title I chose, I believe that life is about experimentation. It is only through doing so that we can truly learn about ourselves, others, and the world around us. And believe me, in almost a year of being a Resident, I have learned and experienced so many things, and met some awesome people along the way. I look forward to being able to share these stories with you in the near future.

So sit back, relax, enjoy yourself, and let this feisty redhead be your guide. Thanks for visiting, and stay tuned for more posts soon.
